Cimarron Arms' Poncho

An excellent value if perfect accuracy doesn't matter to you. This poncho would look authentic to most people.

Appears very similar to the Hollywood Props/Larry Green Productions poncho but the pattern is not quite as accurate with the "Steps" on the lower part of the poncho being the most prominent inaccuracy. This Poncho almost looks like a "first draft" of the former.

The stitching method on this poncho appears less accurate when viewed up close than others.

It was released on October 20, 2015

  • Price: $75 (Amazing value!)

  • Size: 54”W x 62”L (Open) 31"L (Worn), 14" neck hole

  • Tassel count: 32 (Brown) 37 (Green) (Inaccurate)

  • Kid's size: 25 1/4" X 15 1/2"

  • Colors: Olive Green, Brown, +others

  • Materials: 90% Wool, 10% Polyester

  • Country of origin: 🇮🇳 India

Return policy

If you are not satisfied with the poncho you can return it.

You will have to pay to ship it back.

When we receive it back in the same condition as it was shipped in we will refund your money for the poncho only.

- Cimarron Staff, via email, June 18th 2020

Customer comments

[My] Poncho is from ‘Cimarron Arms’, it’s as near to the original as I have found, it is 100% wool, and the stitching pattern is very good. They made several colour versions, Red, Black, Green, Dark brown with gold stitching, (which was a shame they used gold instead of white, as then it would have been perfect!), and Rusty brown [Burnt orange], I got the green one and the Rusty brown [Burnt orange] one, and re-dyed it a darker brown with a dark brown Ritza dye in a bucket, The stitching thread is man-made so the dye didn’t affect it.

- John Feeney, London Jacks



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